Not all RVs and campers are created equal: some have slides, others don’t. If yours does, than you probably know slides are big, they are heavy, and well, they slide (duh!). They add a lot of square footage to otherwise smaller and cramped spaces, and they can be a necessity for a family on the road. While they are a convenient feature, they also require regular maintenance to keep them in good working order. Today I hope to highlight the important steps you can take to keep your slides gliding smoothly and your trips catastrophe-free.

One of the most important things you can do to maintain your slides is to keep them clean. Dirt and debris can accumulate on the tracks and seals, making it difficult for the slides to move in and out smoothly. Cleaning your slides on a regular basis will help to prevent this buildup and keep them operating smoothly.

Another important step in maintaining your slides is to keep them lubricated. The moving parts of your slides need to be lubricated to reduce friction and prevent wear and tear. This will help to extend the lifespan of your slides and ensure that they continue to operate smoothly for many years to come.

I generally do clean and lubricate in the same go. I’ll hose off the underbelly when washing the travel trailer, inspect the slide gears and seals, and once dry, I apply WD-40 brand Teflon dry lubricant.

WD-40 Dry Lube with PTFE

Your slide will tell you when it’s dry. Do NOT ignore it if you hear whining, scratching or squealing when moving the slide in or out.

A seriously neglected slide… seriously, what’s a slide got to do to get some lube around here!?

It’s also important to inspect your slides regularly for any signs of wear or damage. Look for cracks in the seals, loose bolts, or any other signs of wear. If you notice any issues, it’s important to address them promptly to prevent further damage.

Look, we all know it can be a big hassle, but neglecting them will result in costly repairs. For example, if water is allowed to penetrate the seals, it can cause rust and corrosion, leading to expensive repairs down the line. In some cases, the damage may be so severe that the entire slide-out needs to be replaced, which can easily cost thousands of dollars.

In addition to the cost, neglecting your slides can also be dangerous. If a slide-out fails while you’re on the road, it can cause your camper or RV to become unstable and even result in an accident. No bueno!

Seriously, maintaining your slides in your camper or RV is an essential step to keep your vehicle in good working order. By taking the time to clean, lubricate, and inspect your slides, you can ensure that they continue to operate smoothly and safely for many years to come. Don’t wait until it’s too late – take care of your slides today!

Drop any of your Slide Care tips in the comments, and be sure to follow us on our social media and YouTube channels! Thanks for dropping by, and Happy Camping!

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